
What the hell does the blog title “Less than P3RF3CT” mean, you ask? This blog is actually entitled “Less than Perfect” (Yup, I’ve swapped the Es into 3s).

I am Nemebu Kap. I’m a writer. I’ve been living for more than two decades now. I’ve done enough to tell myself and others that I’m not perfect. Believe me, I try to, but I do not and could not claim that I could attain perfection, ever.

I’ve taken countless quizzes at school with scores well below a satisfactory mark. I’ve taken examinations and failed them. I’ve had courses in college that I flunked. I have spent hours practicing musical pieces but have failed at performing them with not a single mistake. I’ve snapped photographs that were of no real value, save the cost of film or energy to capture that shot with the digital camera for that matter. I’ve failed meeting the expectations of many people, who think I could have done better. Imperfection and failure. These are probably what my life’s all about.

The thought of having someone so special in your life…someone who loves you, has no equal. The joy I feel whenever I’m with her is so much that I dunno how to describe it. The love I feel and know that I have for her is too much that I cannot think of the appropriate superlatives to put it in words. She is the only one in my heart. She is the only one I love. She is my girl.

A thought grips me though: I am not perfect. I am less than perfect. I miss the mark. I’ve done things that have hurt her. I’ve said things that brought tears to her eyes. I may have even taken her for granted. Now a hope for a better future is all I could cling to.

My deepest and most private thoughts shall make their way into this blog. This life to me is a journey. I hope it ends with a discovery that imperfection and failure is not all there is to my existence, and that  my girl’s hands and heart would still be in mine.

Reader, join me.

§ One Response to About

  • amrine11 says:

    Everyone makes mistakes in relationships..in life, but as long as you try your hardest that is what matters the most. In relation to your girl, just let her know that you are aware of the mistakes you have made and that you’ll dedicate the rest of your days to making up for the wrongs and making sure she feels like a queen everyday 🙂 Love is so much more powerful then a few mistakes.. 🙂 Best of luck and looking forward to reading them.

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